High House Farm Brewery owner, Heather Scott, has submitted plans to convert the former waiting room at Hexham Station, located at platform two, into a new micropub.

Mrs Scott said: “We want to bring the waiting room back to life.

“We think it would create a more vibrant atmosphere at the station.

“It would provide a service for the railway station and the passengers.”

The station space has now been vacant for several years after previously being used as a model store, occupying the location could really help bring the station back to life.

Real ale from High House Farm Brewery will be available at the new micropub in addition to a range of other ales.

Mrs Scott continued: “The waiting room has fallen into ruin.

“We have big plans to restore the fireplace and structure of the building so it has that nostalgia feel.

“There is an original clock above the entrance door we want to fix, which has been out of order for the past 25 years.

“We know it needs a lot of refurbishment but we are ready to go if the plans get the go ahead.”

The application is currently awaiting a decision from Northumberland County Council, however, Peter Oliver, Councillor of Hexham Town Council said:

“I am happy for any form of commercial development which will benefit the town.

“I am all for plans which will encourage more people to use the station. I think it is a good thing.”

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