When it comes to undertaking a micropub crawl the county of Nottinghamshire has a high number of small watering holes located within a short distance from one another. One stretch that is testament to this is that linking the towns of Eastwood, Giltbrook, and Kimberley where you have eight micropubs to enjoy. Better still all…

Opening a micropub in a COVID pandemic Picture this, you’ve finally taken the plunge to open your very own micropub. After months of hard grafting you’ve got your planning and licensing applications approved. You’ve got a potential property lined up and have been hard at work sourcing the best ale suppliers in the area. Only…

Our take on the coronavirus impact on UK micropubs There’s a couple of things we’ve been meaning to talk about. One, the age old keg vs cask debate and just what exactly defines a micropub. Two, coronavirus. Unsurprisingly we opted for the easier option this week so COVID-19 here we come. Firstly, for each and…

Saying I do with an ale or two. Here’s a wedding venue with a difference – just the thing for beer lovers and micropub fans. How about getting married in a micropub? Calan’s at Hebden Bridge is the only micropub in the country we’re aware of that is officially licenced to conduct civil marriage and…

Interview with Rutherfords Micropub Most micropubs are quirky. And we love them for it. Sure there are some bland little rooms out there. More often than not though you will find that the decent ones are quirky, the really good ones have character, and the great ones serve their gin from an antique microscope on…

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