A new micropub is set to open at Monkseaton Metro Station, next door to a nursery, despite a large amount of concerns from parents and locals, with over 1,500 people signing a petition against the micropub application.

Peter Thompson, who works for Children’s Choice Nursery, next to the micropub, said: “Planning decisions should help economic growth but also consider economical detriment to other businesses.

“We have had a number of potential parents saying they won’t be bringing their children to the nursery if the pub goes ahead.

“Although 1,500 people signed our petition, only 200 were from the nursery. The vast majority were from local residents.

“Whitley Bay town centre is the main focus for retail, Monkseaton Metro station should not be.

“Micropubs are fantastic, a really good business concept I just wouldn’t put one next to a nursery or school.

“There are so many empty units in Whitley Bay that would be better suited.”

Applicant, Steve Buckley, tried to settle any concerns during the application process and still plans to work with the nursery to settle any issues they may have, he said:

“The petition is one objection based on perceived fears.

“We approached the nursery to see if they could address our concerns but they wouldn’t take us up on our offer.”

Applicant Andrew Findlay also added:

“We’re pleased they didn’t let the non-planning issues cloud their judgement.

“We’d still like to speak to the nursery about this. We want to allay their fears.”

While the location of the micropub is controversial, a large amount of the fear comes from not knowing the difference between a large pub chain and a micropub, with fears of anti-social behaviour and noise from the pub.

Andrew and Steve hope to have the micropub open in the next two months and plan to be open from noon-11pm once the licence is granted.

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