Andrew Findlay hopes to bring a micropub to Whitley Bay in the Monkseaton Metro Station in the former luggage room, unfortunately local residents don’t appear to share the same passion for real ale with a petition now having over 1,000 signatures, calling for the micropub plans to be put on hold.

Concerns over the pub stem from the neighboring building, with a children’s nursery just next door, parent’s, teachers and locals believe that it would be an inappropriate location and are worried over the noise or any anti-social behaviour this could generate.

Emma Middleton-Lowrey, the deputy nursery manager from ‘Children’s Choice Nursery’ in Monkseaton said:  “We are all for local businesses being successful but we just feel that this is massively inappropriate right next to a nursery.

“Some people are under the impression that our outdoor areas are quite away from the site. But our sensory garden, which is used by babies, is adjacent to it – it is not several metres away.

“Even though they are saying the pub is likely to be busy after work and in the evenings, that’s no guarantee.

“People will still use it during the day, especially if the weather is good and people are out and about. The pub will be open from around midday, when children will be here.

“The fact that so many people are signing our petition shows just how strongly they feel about the issue.”

Andrew has also received lots of support from locals since the plans we’re submitted and wanted to help reassure any concerns people may have, he said:  “We’re delighted at the amount of interest that has been generated by the micropub.

“Although there have been some concerns, the response has been overwhelmingly positive both from local residents and local business and we would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have taken the time to comment.

“We’re hopeful that we’ll soon be able to bring Monkseaton Metro station’s historic left luggage room and booking office back into use with a new type of pub for the area, selling a range of quality craft-ales, wines and other drinks in a conversation friendly setting.

“We won’t be brewing at the pub, but we do have our own recipes which we will be creating in partnership with local craft-ale producers.

“We are just aiming to open a quiet friendly place where everyone is welcome to come along and feel comfortable. There will be no TV and no gambling machines, and we will not serve alcopops, cheap lagers or run drinks promotions.

“There will also be no loud music. We are asking for a licence for live music but that will be acoustic and we expect that to be at evenings or at weekends, and will be things like folk music. It won’t be amplified.

“We also intend to operate an off-licence during normal opening hours so people can buy bottles of ale and cider. However, the off-licence will not be a huge part of the business. The idea is that people can come in for a drink and take a bottle or two home if they want.”

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