Driffield pub, The Butchers Dog, received a pub of the year award at the end of last year despite only being open for roughly 12 months. The small pub received a warm welcome from the Driffield locals upon opening and has seen great reviews online since.

Natalie Briglin, owner of The Butchers Dog, noticed a gap in the market in Driffield for a different kind of pub. She said:  “I have always worked in pubs. I worked for the big pub chains really. I wanted my own pub but I wanted it to be more my pub rather than renting off a big chain lease.”

She continued: “Winning the award was a bit of a shock really. There’s quite a lot of pubs in Driffield which have been established for a long time. I thought they would have won it rather than a new person. We have only been going for a year so a year of hard work paid off.”

Since winning the award, Natalie says she’s had new customers coming to check out the micropub as the word spreads about it’s success.

Natalie’s success does not just end there, after winning the ‘Pub of the Year’ award, CAMRA also awarded the The Butchers Dog with ‘Cider Pub of the Year’.

Along with the awards, this month, Natalie’s partner, Tim Waudby, plans to open his own brewery on Skerne Road.

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