Micropub owner, Andy Wheeler, plans to celebrate the anniversary of The Broken Drum this weekend after a great first year for the Blackfen micropub.

The Broken Drum brings a great sense of community to the area, providing customers a place to escape from loud music, TV’s and other electronic distractions. Over the year, Andy has served fans of The Broken Drum over 16,000 pints of real ale.

Mr Wheeler said:  “We’ve offered 200 different ales, I don’t have one constant beer, I’m always changing, looking for local and national beers.

“Each cask holds 70 pints so its just a case of simple maths – that’s not including the real ciders that we sell.”

He continued: “It’s a breakaway from the noise of pubs or the restaurant-type pubs that just have a bar to drink at.

“We don’t sell lager, we don’t sell spirits and we don’t play loud music. People come in, enjoy a chat with each other and talk to people they don’t know.

“People can come in, chat and make friends, we have run three quiz nights and raised around £1,000 for the British Heart Foundation.”

“We also donate to Alzheimers UK, as the pub is named after a pub in Terry Pratchet’s Discworld book series.”

Customers of the micropub leave with a great impression after visiting, which is shown from online reviews of the pub, complimenting the friendly atmosphere along with variety of quality ales at affordable prices.

Andy said: “I never realised how important the sense of community would be to me.

“There are no problems, business is all going well, and we’ll be celebrating on Saturday.”

UKmicropubs would like to wish The Broken Drum a happy 1st Birthday and hope to wish many more in the coming years!

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  1. Rob

    Congratulations Andy! I can vouch for this being a great community pub, along with (almost) all other micropubs I’ve been to. Here’s looking to many more anniversaries.