An application has been submitted to convert a former hairdressers into Leek’s first micropub, many locals are showing great support for the idea and believe that it’s just what the Staffordshire town needs.

A statement to the Staffordshire Moorlands District Council said: “The Leek area was decided upon after careful assessment of all Staffordshire areas.

“Leek is a thriving town with a good tourist trade and good footfall all year round.

“The idea of the micropub is that it allows the focus to be focused on the raw aspects of the public house, i.e. good beer with good customer service.

“This is done by removing any modern day distractions like fruit machines, TVs, music and any other entertainment.”

Mark Sidebotham & Rob Bailey, joint licensees of the Earl Grey Inn pub, who recently won CAMRA’s pub of the year, welcomed the idea of a micropub in the area and say that it will complement other pubs in the area.

Mark said: “The more the merrier. It all helps to maintain and grow Leek’s reputation as a destination town for beer lovers.”

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