Steve Williams & John Lawrence plan to bring peterborough it’s first micropub this summer, as they believe the city is in need of something different from the standard pubs in the area, allowing punters to escape gambling machines, loud music and TV’s and bringing conversations back to pubs.

Mr. Williams, who has also been involved in the local CAMRA for over 25 years said:

“Indifferent service and average beers are just two of my pet hates.

“Peterborough doesn’t have a wealth of great boozers; it does have some really good ones but nowhere near enough.

“I think real ale drinkers deserve much better, and we intend to do something about it.”

Steve and John also plan to sell customers bottled ales that they can enjoy from the comfort of their own home via a bottle shop.

The new micropubs location is now being finalised and will be located just outside of the city centre

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