Just a few weeks ago, Burton received a brand new micropub – The Last Heretic. Opened by Peter Spittals who previously worked as cabin crew at British Airways for the past 21 years.

While this is Peter’s first venture in the industry, he has done a great job of giving punters a warm welcome to The Last Heretic, creating a fantastic atmosphere & serving drinks from local Burton breweries.

Peter said: “It’s a very friendly place Burton, and there’s much more of a sense of community than in London, where I’m from.

“The best thing for me is that everyone seems to know someone who can fix things.

“All the work on the pub I have done locally, I haven’t had to go more than two or three miles to find people to do the work.

“And of course there’s Breweries all over the place, which helps.”

The Last Heretic offers the choice of four different real ales, a selection of three ciders, wine, along with bottled beer from Freedom Brewery.

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