Early Doors is a new micropub located in the heart of Skipton with a selection of 6 different real ales available to customers.

Owners, Don Hinchcliffe & Mike Dunford believed Skipton would be the perfect location to open the micropub. The response they received from the community after being open just a few weeks, it seems they were right.

Customers regularly compliment Early Doors for it’s friendly atmosphere and selection of ales with one customer review describing it as “a little gem”.

Don said: “The aim is to provide a pleasant atmosphere with good conversation and a fine selection of excellent ales, lagers and wines. We’ve only been open a few weeks but already it seems there are a lot of people who want just that.”

Don & Mike are no strangers to the pub industry, with over 25 years of experience each, Don said:  “Although we’ve both kept pubs in various places, me mostly in Rochdale and Mike in Cumbria, we have long wanted to be in Skipton. Obviously there is a strong tourist trade but there is also a vibrant local community which helps to maintain a fine selection of places to eat and drink. We are confident we are providing something a little different in the town.”

He continued: “We have had a warm welcome from other licensees in the town, especially Steve Banks at The Beer Engine, who has been extremely helpful. If Skipton provides a great environment for drinkers – and it does – then ultimately we all benefit.”

The Early Doors micropub, at 14 Newmarket Street, is open six days a week from Tues – Sat 12PM – 8PM & Sun 12PM – 5PM.

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