Chris Hankins is hoping to open the doors to his new micropub by mid April, located at 22 St Johns street, Worcester, The Bull Baiters Inn micropub will serve real ales and locally sourced cider, straight from the keg.

The new micropub will be a first for Worcester, Chris believes that this will really help the area and bring the community closer together.

He said: “Micro-pubs are growing in popularity across the county. This will create a great atmosphere, it will be like a permanent beer festival in St John’s with the drinks we have on offer.

“There will be no music played, or any other form of electronic entertainment, so this should mean good conversation and taking trips down nostalgia lane.

“It’s all about enjoying the ales and beers, and having a good time socialising with other people.

“This could be a huge boost to area”.

The Bull Baiters Inn should officially open in just a few weeks time if all goes to plan and will have the capacity to roughly house just over 20 people.

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