Adam Cordingley and Chris Marsden, owners of the Crown Point Tavern, are set to bring Denton locals a brand new watering hole when they open the town’s first micropub in roughly two weeks time (early June).

Adam said: “It may not be an obvious location, but we’re surrounded by good breweries”

“We want to promote local real ale and provide somewhere to drink for those who leave Denton every weekend for a pint.

“We’re surrounded by other pubs but we don’t see ourselves as competition for them; we want to provide a friendly, comfortable drinking space for those interested in ale.”

The micropub was originally set to open earlier this year, however, the micropub recently announced on their Facebook page that the opening date has been slightly pushed back, allowing them to ensure everything is to a high standard and that the pub is fully stocked before opening the doors for the first time.

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