A former pet store, located in Marske town centre, is set to be converted into a new micropub after Cleveland Borough Council approved the plans just last month.

While the plans received the green light from the council, not all local residents were as open to the idea, with several locals writing to complain over concerns of anti-social behaviour the micropub could bring to the area. However, councillor Steve Turner mentioned his own micropub experience from visiting recent openings in Redcar, praising the difference from standard pubs.

Ward councillor and committee member Madge Moses said: “There’s an awful lot of concern in Marske regarding this application. Are people going to be standing outside drinking and smoking? They aren’t objecting to a micro pub, they are objecting to where it is going to be.”

The new micropub, set to be named ‘Biggles’ will be allowed to open from 11am-midnight Monday-Saturday and 11am-11pm on a Sunday.

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