Planning applications have been submitted to not only bring Longridge it’s first micropub but also it’s second. With plans to convert a former photographer’s studio located at 36A Derby Road & another premises at 4 Townley Parade, Berry Lane.

The Derby Road applicant, Peace Townsend, states that the micropub will be  “a small, one-room public house providing a warm and friendly atmosphere for people to meet and chat over a drink.

It would not be a standard pub, but “more reminiscent of a traditional neighbourhood public house where people socialise and strengthen community ties.”

The application for the Berry Lane premises was submitted by Nicola Crosby and she says that the micropub will be “small and simple, serving quality ales and beers.”

The Derby Road micropub, if approved, will have enough room to hold 30 customers at maximum capacity, while the Berry Road micropub will be able to serve up to 60 people.

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