The post office that used to be located on Uttoxeter Old Road, Derby, no longer deals with packages or stamps but now delivers pints of real ale straight to customers over the bar.

George Lambert, along with Walter Scott, owners of the first micropub in Derby, The Little Chester Ale House, first bought The Last Post back in 2014. Chris O’Brien, 47, was then one of the people to take over the micropub back in May 2015.

The pub was officially opened back in December by the Mayor of Derby, during a weekend beer festival, where he cut the ribbon for The Last Post. Chris said: “It’s seen a lot of hard work and some long hours but we’re delighted with how things are going.

“We kept the pillar box red colour inside and out to recognise the building’s former role as a post office and we have some of the former post office posters and pictures decorating the walls.

“But the only stamps you’ll get here are the ones on your loyalty card when you buy a pint.”

Although the micropub was serving before this time, the temporary licence only allowed for the pub to serve three days a week, which has now been increased to seven days a week.

Mr O’Brien said: “We’ve done a lot to the place since we took it over so that we could make it a full-time operation.

“We now have a small ale yard at the back which can fit some customers in.

“Our licence is for 45 people, which we have had in a few times, although it can be a squeeze. We’ve also started doing music as well – mainly folk music as we don’t have the biggest of rooms so we can’t exactly fit a seven-piece band and all their equipment in, or there’d be no room for the customers.”

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