Lauren Tansey hopes to fulfil her dreams of becoming a Landlady after applying for planning permission to convert a former barbers into a micro pub – ‘Cat and Bear’.

If approved, one of the current rooms will be turned into a bar, with the other being a snug.

Lauren has received help and guidance from the Princes Trust along with the Landlord of the Bristol Micropub, The Drapers Arms. Garvan Hickey has been helping Lauren turn her dreams into a reality, she said: I needed a change of career and had always wanted to be a pub landlady.

“My family lives in Kent where micro pubs are really popular and I thought it would be an ideal thing to do here in Brislington.

“I’ve been lucky to have been supported by the Princes Trust and get help from Garvan who has been a mentor to me.”

If approved, Lauren hopes to open The Cat and Bear this Autumn.

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