Bolton Council recently approved a planning application to convert a empty property located in Westhoughton, on Market Street, into ‘The Beer Store’, which will serve as a micro pub and bottle shop, selling locally brewed & specialist ales in bottles and growlers.

Town Councillor, David Wilkinson said: “I think it is a really good application.

“Micro-pubs are popping up all over the country and it is because they offer people choice.

“I think it will bring a boom into Westhoughton because there are a lot of people that want to try something different.

“I think we only have four commercial properties empty in the town centre now which is quite an achievement.

“I really hope the business works as I think it will be a great addition.”

The new micropub will only be using the ground floor and will be able to seat 24 people, with the first floor being dedicated to storage.

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