Mac’s Music Store, located at 219 High Street, Herne Bay, could soon be converted into a brand new micropub if plans go ahead.

Mark Parker submitted the application to Canterbury City Council to change Mac’s Music Store to Parkerville micropub, serving punters with real ale while also hosting live music nights.

Mr.Parkers application proposes that the micropub will be open between 11am-11:30pm and until 11pm on Sunday nights.

However, not all local residents are too pleased with the idea of the new pub. Raising concerns to the council, resident Mr EJ Geldart said: “We and 39 occupants of the flats opposite live there, and our two bedroom windows are facing the pub site.

“Most of the flat occupants are in their 80’s and some in their 90’s and go to bed early. There would be much noise with music and slamming of car doors.

“Ambulances are frequent callers of the flats and need places to park.”

Addressing the concerns amongst locals, Mark ensured that noise reduction measures would be in place.

Mr.Parker is currently waiting for a decision from the licencing committee to be able to sell alcohol, which is to be decided in just two weeks from now (March 22nd). If granted, Herne Bay could be welcoming their latest micropub by early April.

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