Last week, Darren Porter submitted his proposal to transform a former computer repair shop in Fernwood Shopping Centre into a micropub, an idea that would be highly welcome to the area after the closure of other pubs nearby.

The application says: “Whilst a micro pub falls under the same A4 category, it is not a typical pub aimed at the mass market.

 “A micropub is more a traditional public ale house for people to meet and chat over a drink. Often small scale, single room properties for a limited number of customers.

“Ale is sourced from local microbreweries, as well as wines snacks – the focus for myself being local sourced goods. Micro pubs serve no brand name lagers such as carling, nor alco-pops, and there will be no televisions, fruit machines, jukebox, loud music etc. The idea being conversation.”

If approved, the new pub will be easily accessible, with free parking available and public transport close by.

Locals have shown their support to the idea and hope to see something new to the area. Carl Pykett, from Fernwood Shopping Centre said: “I believe this would be a good small business venture and quite a unique one for Rugeley yet alone our shopping area.

“It would promote local breweries and a place for local people to meet up. I also believe it would not be encouraging the younger element to frequent as it is aiming for the more mature clientele due to its variety of ales on purchase and its small size.

“We as a business would like to see something unique to help promote awareness of our shopping centre and this may help somewhat to sustain the shops we already have, increase our trade and maybe encourage more traders in the future.”

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